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Applicant is the:
Have You Had Sewer Service With Idlwood WCID Previosly?

IMPORTANT: Your sewer service application is not complete until a copy of your driver's license or state issued ID is received by our office AND a $200 deposit is paid. Please take a picture or scan your driver's license or ID and send it to Deposits can be mailed to the address below or dropped in the green drop pole in front of our office at the same address.
Additional Information: Please click on the link below for important information regarding your sewer service.

By clicking "Complete Application", you certify that your are authorized to complete this application for sewer service, and you agree to the TERMS & CONDITIONS of Idlewood WCID as your sewer service provider in the Sewer Service Information Packet above

Want to pay your sewer bill online? Click Here

Want to apply for sewer service?
Click Here

Having Sewer Issues? Click Here

Still have questions? Call our office. We'll be glad to help!

732 Edgewood Circle, Lufkin, Texas 75904

Call or Text - 936-671-2653

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Closed during normal government

and banking holidays

©2024 by Idlewood WCID. Proudly created with

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